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New alerts in GymMaster

Dru Hill
Dru Hill
Published on Wed, Jul 18, 2018

We’ve implemented new alerts, to help you keep on top of your bookings, Debtors and Failed Billing.

As an ongoing commitment to improving our product for you, the GymMaster development team have recently released new features to assist in keeping you up to date with what is happening in your facility.

number of bookings not checked in recently

On the home screen you will now see alerts regarding any bookings you haven’t checked in recently. Not checking in bookings means that it may not count that session towards the sessions your clients are entitled to.

You can change how the system reacts to bookings not checked in by going into your settings;

  • Settings
  • Advanced Configuration
  • Bookings

Scroll down to “Booking Auto Checkin Nextday” and select your preferred option from the drop down menu Whether your facility charges for no show’s or allows members to arrive as they please, it’s great practice to action the bookings in GymMaster. Ensuring your bookings are checked in, or marked as a No Show if they haven’t been canceled or checked in, will assist your team in getting the most accurate reporting. We’ll be looking at further enhancing this feature in the near future.

We have made some convenient changes around billing and debt reports

debt collection

You can now find details regarding Failed Billing, as well as All Debtors in a more convenient place under Report & Till and in Debt Collection.

debt collection under Report & till menu

We have entered filters to search by reason, or for specific member details against either Failed Billing or All Debtors, and incorporating our internal messaging system enables you to reach out to members directly regarding their debt.
