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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Add Member

Details for all new, current, casual, expired members as well as prospects are stored on GymMaster

To Add Member, follow through these steps;


Note there are no required fields within this section

Complete following member details, as required by the club;

  • Email (Recommended)
  • The majority of your automated Confirmation Templates are sent to email
  • Contact Number (Recommended)
  • Address
    • Use address search for ease and accuracy
    • Manually input address if adjustments required
  • Subscription
    • Manage Email and SMS/App notification settings;
      • General notifications
      • Membership notifications
      • Marketing notifications
      • Booking notifications
      • Accounts notifications
      • GymMaster App notifications
        • App must be enabled to allow App notifications; this will override SMS notifications

Next - Prospect Information